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Microphlebectomy is an effective way to treat large, twisting varicose veins. These veins are due to chronic venous insufficiency, a condition in which valves weaken over time causing blood to backflow and distend the veins. By removing the varicose vein, blood is redirected to healthy veins to improve circulation. The phlebectomy procedure is performed in our office at Solon VeinClinic by our board certified vascular surgeon.

How is microphlebectomy performed?
The phlebectomy is performed in the office by our board-trained physician, typically within 90 minutes. While you stand, the doctor marks the veins to be removed during the procedure. Your skin is then cleaned, prepped and draped, and the area around the vein is infused with a numbing solution. The surgeon then makes tiny incisions to remove the varicose vein, but this is very well tolerated since we numb the area. The incisions are closed and covered in gauze, we then wrap your leg in an ACE bandage, which you will wear for twenty four hours after the procedure.

Will it hurt?
There is virtually no pain from this procedure. You will feel a pin prick of the needle as we inject the numbing solution and some pressure as the numbing solution is infused. You will not feel any of the incisions or the vein being removed.

What is the recovery like for a phlebectomy?
The provider will close the incisions with steri strips and wrap your leg in an ACE bandage. You will be asked to wear the ACE bandage for twenty four hours and then switch to wearing compression for two weeks. The steri strips covering the incisions will fall off by themselves, so you shouldn’t need to remove them. Walking and light exercise is encouraged following the procedure, but heaving lifting, strenuous exercise, and weight lifting should be avoided for two weeks. Bruising and dark spots along the vein is to be expected. Some people get mild swelling around the ankles. Please call or text the office if you have any questions or concerns.

Is there scarring from the procedure?
Scarring is usually very minimal since the incisions are very small.

Solon Vein Clinic
33290 Bainbridge Road,Solon, Ohio 44139
Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm • Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED      

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